Matthew Minarik
Matt Minarik founded Rx 4 Mental Health as a subsidiary of Restora Health, which he founded in 2018 after a career in marketing and medicine.
Restora Health is a telehealth company that provides telemedicine, dental, vision, advocacy and other benefits to its members. Matt has always had a sympathetic heart for those suffering from mental health and after the pandemic of 2020 where mental health issues soared, Matt looked for ways to make mental health both accessible and affordable for all; thus was formed Rx 4 Mental Health.
Matt grew up in the Cleveland, Ohio area and attended The Ohio State University where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry and later a degree as a Physician Assistant and then a Master’s of Science in Education and Leadership at A.T. Still University in Mesa, AZ.
Matt quickly left medicine to join the family business in Direct Marketing in Washington, D.C. In the early 90’s, Matt opened his own marketing agency. Matt has used his scientific background, along with his out-of-the-box creativity, and the experience of some of ‘the masters’ to test and enhance traditional direct marketing methodologies, which resulted in huge response rates from his efforts.
Matt was President of Hi-Q group, which was National City Bank’s direct marketing agency where his program generated over $2 Billion in revenue for NCB over six years’ time. In 2001 Matt joined IBM, where he presented and taught his lead generation process in 23 cities across the US and Canada to IBMs Business Partners. Matt was then asked to be the National Instructor for The Direct Marketing Association on Direct Marketing.
In 2010, Matt went back to medicine for 8 years doing Emergency Medicine and Primary Care medicine. In 2018, Matt started Restora Health which was one of the first Virtual Direct Primary Care companies in the nation. Well before COVID, Matt saw the power, efficiency and need for TeleHealth. Matt’s Master’s Thesis was on Mobile Medical Devices back in 2013 where he clearly saw the future of medicine. Matt now brings his medical, telehealth and marketing knowledge to Rx 4 Mental Health to the United States where mental health needs are at an epidemic level.