The Staggering Cost of Impaired Mental Health in the Workplace

How Much $$ Is YOUR Company's Share?


Lost to Anxiety and Depression


The Cost to the Global Economy due to
Lost Productivity


Due to Mental Health.  Even higher for Millenials (68%) and Gen Z (81%)

The Mental Healthcare Crisis in America: Shortage of Mental Health Providers

  • Severe Shortage of Mental Health Providers, especially in rural and semi-rural areas
  • Lack of providers drives up prices
  • Wait times to see providers exceed 40 days, with many parts of the country at 90 – 120 day waits

The Power of Addressing Workplace Mental Health Needs

Overview of Program

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This two sided document highlights the benefits of integrating a comprehensive Mental Health Plan as a separate component of healthcare and details the plan benefits for employees.

2023 The State of Mental Health In America

This article is published yearly by Mental Health America, the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and promoting the overall mental health of all.

By clicking here, you will be taken to directly to the MHA site where you can complete a form and download the most recent pdf document available.


Possibly. This is not insurance. Mental Health does fall under Section 125. Please ask your accountant if this is applicable for your company.

The goal of this program is for employees to use it. This will give your company the most productivity, lower disability and healthcare costs and give a positive return on investment (3 to 1). For that reason, we only recommend fully employer paid. If offered any other way, studies show it will not be utilized.

We can have a conversation around this option, however, my experience shows that this is NOT your typical voluntary benefit. The people that need it most are often reticent to enroll in a Mental Health program. This option results in lower productivity, higher disability costs and higher healthcare costs.

We will list bill you the month after the effective date of your employee’s plan.

Example: You provide a census to us in February for a March 1 start date. You will receive a bill April 1, which is due upon receipt. The payment methods include ACH and credit card.

All four benefits are available via a customized app on phone, pc or tablet. We have instructional videos and documents on how to download the app, initial enrollment and registration with Teladoc.

All four benefits are included for the entire household up to age 26. Spouses and elderly dependents are also included regardless of age. (Teladoc Mental Health and 24/7 Counseling services are available age 13+)

Administration uploads a monthly employee census, where they can add and delete employees as needed.

What your Peers Have to Say: 16th Annual Ohio Employee Health & Wellness Conference Survey Results

Question One:

How much desire or need is there from your employees or your client’s employees for a mental health program that is affordable and accessible?

Question Two:

How much do you think an employee’s poor mental health or someone with mental health issues is affectng their productvity and relationships at work?

Question Three:

Please check off the barriers you believe are in place preventng employees using therapists when they know they need one.

Question Four:

How valuable to your employees or your client’s employees would a virtual (secure video conference)mental health program be that included live therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and medical doctors for under $40 a month with no added fees and included the whole household (age 13+).

Question FIve:

If your company or your client’s company wanted to implement a mental health program, what role or influence would you play in the decision-making process? 

Question Six:

If such a virtual mental health program was available to the whole family for under $40 a month, who would most likely pay for the program?

Question Seven:

How much desire or need is there from your employees or your client’s employees for a mental health program that is affordable and accessible?

Would you like to learn more?

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